Statement of Faith

To uphold the purpose and integrity of the Kingdom Thinkers Academy (KTA), including its curriculum and online school educators on both domestic and international fronts, our commitment is essential to preserving the absolute truth and authority of Scripture. As we strive to offer a biblical role model to our educators, the global body of Christ, the community, and society at large, it is crucial that all individuals engaged in any capacity of employment or as volunteers within KTA commit to abiding by our Statement of Faith. This ensures that everyone conducts themselves in a manner consistent with our mission.

  • We hold to the God of Israel as the One true God, a Triune God in three persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He alone is to be worshipped as prescribed in Scripture.

  • We believe in the doctrinal infallibility of the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments, as expressed in their original languages. Additionally, we affirm the historicity of these Scriptures.

  • Jesus died on the cross, making a full and satisfactory atonement for man’s sin.

  • Salvation is by God’s grace alone, a gift received by faith alone in Christ alone.

  • We believe in salvation through the New Birth experience by repentance and faith in Jesus alone as the only provision for man's sin. We hold that Jesus took our sin and gave us His righteousness and we must personally accept Him and remain faithful to Him on the basis of Scripture. Those rejecting Jesus will face eternal perdition.

  • We believe that man is fallen, and so is creation. Man can't justify himself before a perfect God.

  • We hold to a pre-millennium return of Christ, when He will establish His millennium Kingdom on earth.

  • We accept that Gentiles who truly accept Jesus replace Jews who reject Him; however, these are incorporated into Israel in a spiritual sense (on the basis of Romans 11) rather than the church replacing Israel.

  • We believe God's prophetic plan for the salvation of the world is bound up with His prophetic plan for the regathering and salvation of Israel.

  • We yearn for the unity of the Spirit, such unity seen as with other Bible-based evangelical Christians, churches, and ministries, even where we may not share all the same nonessential doctrines.

  • However, we reject, as a false unity, ecumenism or unity in any form with nonevangelical versions of Christianity, which have a different doctrine of salvation and a basis of doctrinal authority other than the Bible.

  • The account of origins presented in Genesis 1–11 is a simple but factual presentation of actual events and therefore, provides a reliable framework for scientific research into the origin and history of life, mankind, the earth, and the universe.

  • The great flood of Genesis was an actual historic event, worldwide (global) in its extent and catastrophic in its effects. At one stage during the flood, the waters covered the entire surface of the whole globe with no land surface being exposed anywhere—the flood of Noah is not to be understood as any form of local or regional flood.

  • We acknowledge God's promises, including the assurance that the seasons will continue. Despite climate changes, the predictable seasons, as promised by God, will persist, ensuring the continuity of seedtime, harvest, cold, heat, summer, winter, day, and night.

  • Scripture teaches a recent origin of man and the whole creation, with a history spanning approximately 4,000 years from creation to Christ.

  • The days in Genesis do not correspond to geologic ages but are six consecutive, 24-hour days of creation; the first day began in Genesis 1:1, and the seventh day, which was also a normal 24-hour day, ended in Genesis 2:3.

  • The gap theory, progressive creation, day-age, framework hypothesis, theistic evolution (i.e., evolutionary creation), functionality–cosmic temple, analogical days, day-gap-day, and any other views that try to fit evolution or millions of years into Genesis are incompatible with Scripture.

  • Mankind, consisting of two genders (male and female), is created in the image of God. Each of these two distinct, complementary genders reflects the image of God.

  • All human life is sacred and begins at conception (defined as the moment of fertilisation). Each unborn child is a unique, living human being, created in the image of God, and must be respected and protected both before and after birth. The abortion of an unborn child or the active, intentional taking of human life through euthanasia or assisted suicide constitutes a violation of the sanctity of human life and is a crime against God and man.

  • There is only one race of mankind—the human race or Adam’s race. Adam and Eve were the first two humans. All people alive today are the descendants of Adam and Eve and subsequently Noah.

  • Since all humans are made in the image of God, all humans have equal dignity and value regardless of age (including the unborn), intelligence, gender, physical ability, shade of skin tone, religion, ethnicity, or any other characteristic.

  • The concepts of “social justice,” “intersectionality,” and “critical race theory”, as defined in modern terminology, are anti-biblical and destructive to human flourishing.

  • Parents are responsible to instruct their children in Christian faith and conduct, to set before them godly and consistent examples of the same, and in every way to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

  • Based on the creation ordinance in Genesis 1 and 2, the only legitimate marriage sanctioned by God is the joining of one naturally born man and one naturally born woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.

  • Gender and biological sex are equivalent and cannot be separated. A person’s gender is determined at conception (fertilisation), coded in the DNA, and cannot be changed by drugs, hormones, or surgery. Rejection of one’s biological sex (gender) or identifying oneself by the opposite sex is a sinful rejection of the way God made that person. These truths must be communicated with compassion, love, kindness, and respect, pointing everyone to the truth that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking his mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.