
Online 1:1 Tuition

Experienced educators

Our experienced tutors hold Master's degrees in their respective fields, ensuring that our students receive instruction from professionals with advanced expertise and in-depth knowledge.

All major subjects

Receive high-quality tutoring services for students of all ages and academic levels. Our experienced educators cover all major subjects, including numeracy, literacy, science, language arts, and social studies.


We offer flexible scheduling, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Our students can access experienced educators from anywhere with an internet connection.

At Kingdom Thinkers Academy, we’re proud to offer accessible tutoring services that transcend geographical boundaries. Our cutting-edge online platform ensures that students from anywhere in the world can access high-quality tutoring support, fostering academic excellence regardless of location. With our flexible scheduling options and expert tutors, learning knows no bounds.
— Kale Kneale

Tutor Spotlight

Jacinta Atkinson

Meet the Team

  • Kale Kneale


    BEd, MInternatEd(SchlLship)

  • Jacinta Atkinson


    Masters of Education, Graduate Diploma of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Journalism

    Specialisations: English, Christian Studies, Food Studies, Humanities

  • James Clanfield


    Bachelor of Music, Graduate Diploma of Education, Master of Arts (Religious Education), Master of Education (International Baccalaureate), PhD Candidate (Christian Education )

    Specialisations: Music, Studies of Religion, Drama, Theory of Knowledge, English

  • Lauren Reitz


    PostGradCertEd, BComm Information Systems and Industrial Psychology

    Specialisations: IT, Physical Education, Business, Commerce, Primary Literacy & Numeracy

  • Nina Kelly


    BEd (Hons)

    Specialisations: Literacy, Reading, Special Needs

  • Aghi Di Maio


    BA and DipEd

    Specialisations: Primary and secondary Legal Studies, Italian

What are parents saying about KTA’s Online Tuition?

What does a session look and feel like?

Truth and relationships are the two strands of the DNA of transformational learning.
— Roger C.S. Erdvig

Register Your Child Now

“We are currently enrolled in online tutoring/homeschool support for my 2nd daughter who is starting year 3, and we are truly excited and feeling immensely blessed to be part of Kingdom Thinkers Academy...”

Florence Lee-Gunawan

“After the first session, my son said Kale teaches better than the teachers at his school. Highly recommend KTA for online tutoring sessions.”

Sonja Stellas

“Kale is the BEST! He has given my daughter great confidence. She is thriving under his tutorage.”

Glynis Ross

“I was so delighted to find Kingdom Thinkers Academy, which was referred to me by a friend. We wanted someone we could trust to reflect our values in the way, what, and how they taught my son. He went from below average to above average in one term with this tutoring. I have never seen him engage with a tutor so quickly and warmly.  Tutoring with Kingdom Thinkers positively impacted his academic results and made him more confident! We can not encourage you to sign up for the Kingdom Thinkers Academy enough!”

Jennifer Gurry

Want To Find Out More?

Tutor Spotlight

James Clanfield

Tutoring sessions

Our tutors are experts in their respective fields and use interactive teaching methods to ensure students fully understand the concepts and are able to apply them in real-world situations. Our online platform provides a safe and engaging learning environment, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience.

Developed around your child's areas for growth and goals, our learning programs are fluid and can be adapted at any time. They are put together online and kept as a live working document for the student and tutor. This is a great way to keep a record of their learning journey!

 If you prefer we help them with a school assignment, email your tutor the material.

  • Live, face-to-face and online 

  • Demonstration, guided activities and reviews

  • Parent summary after each session

  • Designed to build your child's confidence and knowledge

  • Primary & Secondary

  • One-Click to Connect

Session Outline

Step 1: Engaging Start (5 minutes) We begin by setting the tone for the session and understanding how your child is feeling. We'll also discuss the specific areas your child wants to focus on.

Step 2: Learning Assessment and Goal Setting (5 minutes) In the first session, we'll assess your child's current level to tailor our approach. For subsequent sessions, we'll review previous progress and set clear goals for the current session.

Step 3: Exploring New Concepts (40 minutes) This is where the real learning takes place. We'll engage in activities designed to match your child's learning objectives. We follow a structured method, where we demonstrate, guide, and then encourage your child to apply the concepts themselves. Our teaching approach combines the best of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) and Inquiry-Based Learning.

Step 4: Reflecting on Progress (5 minutes) We'll take a moment to reflect on what your child has accomplished during the session, ensuring that key insights are acknowledged and absorbed. (Session end)

Step 5: Personalised Feedback (5 minutes) After the session, we'll provide you with written feedback that is specific to your child's performance. This personalised email will be sent to you within 24 hours, giving you valuable insights into the session.

We believe that this structured approach maximises your child's learning experience by fostering engagement, providing personalised guidance, and ensuring a strong grasp of each concept. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Ready To Get Started?

Frequently asked questions

  • At Kingdom Thinkers Academy, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality education led by highly qualified tutors. Our tutors hold a diverse range of qualifications and experience that ensure our students receive the best possible learning experience. All of our tutors possess at least a bachelor’s or master's degree or higher in their respective fields. Additionally, many of our tutors have extensive teaching experience in traditional classroom settings and online environments.

    We understand the importance of expertise and subject knowledge when it comes to effective teaching. Our tutors' qualifications span various disciplines, including but not limited to mathematics, literature, science, history, languages, and more. Rest assured that your learning journey at Kingdom Thinkers Academy will be guided by knowledgeable and dedicated tutors who are committed to helping you succeed academically.

    If you have any specific questions about the qualifications of a particular tutor or subject, feel free to reach out to our support team, and we'll be happy to provide more information. Your success is our priority, and we believe that the expertise of our tutors contributes significantly to achieving that goal.

  • Our tutors at Kingdom Thinkers Academy are committed to providing a personalized and effective learning experience for each student. To ensure the highest quality of instruction, our tutors dedicate time and effort to prepare for every lesson.

    Before your scheduled lesson, your tutor will review the curriculum, materials, and any specific learning objectives for the session. This preparation allows them to tailor the lesson content to your individual needs and goals. They will also take into account your learning style, pace, and any challenges you may be facing.

    In addition to curriculum review, our tutors often create engaging teaching materials, including visual aids, practice exercises, and real-world examples relevant to the subject matter. These resources are designed to enhance your understanding and make the learning process enjoyable.

    During the lesson, your tutor will utilise their prepared materials and adapt their teaching strategies based on your responses and feedback. This flexibility ensures that the session remains interactive and focused on addressing your questions and concerns.

    After the lesson, your tutor may provide you with additional resources, homework assignments, or practice exercises to reinforce the concepts covered. They are also available to answer any follow-up questions you may have through our communication platform.

    Rest assured that our tutors are dedicated to helping you succeed academically and are committed to making each lesson engaging, informative, and tailored to your unique learning needs.

  • We understand that a strong student-tutor match is essential for effective learning. If you feel that your current tutor isn't the best fit for your learning style or goals, we offer the option to change tutors.

    To request a change of tutor, please reach out to our support team, and they will guide you through the process. It's important to communicate your reasons for the change so that we can better understand your preferences and needs. Our team will work diligently to find a new tutor who aligns with your requirements and subject preferences.

    Please note that tutor availability may vary, but we will do our best to accommodate your request as swiftly as possible. Our goal is to ensure that you have the best learning experience with a tutor who can effectively support your educational journey.

    Remember, your satisfaction and success are our priorities, and we're here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions or are considering a change of tutor.

  • Yes, you can easily contact your child's tutor through our user-friendly communication system. We believe that maintaining an open line of communication between parents and tutors is crucial for your child's academic success.

    After each tutoring session, you will receive a session summary email containing important notes, progress updates, and key takeaways from the lesson. Replying to this email will automatically direct your message to your child's tutor, ensuring a seamless and efficient way to communicate.

    Tutors typically respond to these messages in a timely manner, ensuring that you stay well-informed and engaged in your child's learning journey.

  • We understand that parents are often eager to be involved in their child's educational journey. However, to create an optimal learning environment and promote effective communication between the student and the tutor, we typically recommend that parents not be present during the live tutoring sessions.

    Our tutors are trained to provide individualised attention and focused instruction to the student. Having a one-on-one interaction helps the tutor tailor the lesson content, pace, and teaching approach to the student's specific learning needs and goals. This approach encourages the student's independence and active participation in the learning process.

    That said, we recognise that there may be exceptional circumstances where a parent's presence could be beneficial or necessary. If you believe that your presence during a session is important, we recommend discussing this directly with your child's tutor. Some tutors might be open to occasional parent involvement as long as it doesn't disrupt the natural flow of the lesson or the student's comfort level.

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