
Biblical Worldview

Under our five themes, we’ve arranged and mapped the entire Australian Curriculum and outcomes into a biblical worldview, challenging students to think critically and independently about the significant issues of today. Yes, record-keeping and documentation for Australian homeschoolers and Christian Schools just became much more manageable.

33 Thousand-Foot Perspective

Our students will be taught how to ‘zoom out’ on the big issues they face today, think critically, and inquire into how God views them. Instead of getting caught up in the ‘comments section’, we will instil the importance of starting with God’s word on every issue.

Trandisciplinary and Project-Based Approach

Our unique framework provides the foundation for seamlessly weaving subjects together, helping your child view the world in an interconnected way.

...deep learning occurs when students understand the ‘big picture’ behind their learning.
— Kale Kneale

Our Difference.

Our Themes

  • An inquiry into the distinct nature of humans made in the image of God; there is only one race; humans’ unique and eternal relationship with God; spiritual and physical health; how we share many of His attributes are capable of knowing and glorifying Him; family relationships and communities; what it means to put off the old self with sinful practices and put on the new self who is indwelt with the Holy Spirit.

  • An inquiry into the history of government from a biblical perspective; the purpose of civil government; economic systems; our responsibility as believers to care for the poor and needy.

  • An inquiry into God’s world and its laws; the truth that God is upholding all things and promises to do so as long as the earth endures; the understanding of geology in light of the Flood, astronomy and biology from a biblical perspective.

  • An inquiry into the literal interpretation of the creation narrative in the book of Genesis; humans were created in their present form on the sixth day; creation occurred about 6,000 years ago by calculating the years provided in biblical genealogies.

  • An inquiry into the Tower of Babel; people groups; living conditions and homes; the migration of people groups after God confused their language; why civilization is indebted to Christianity for its freedoms and strong institutions.

Follow our journey.