Terms of service.

Kingdom Thinkers Academy Private Tuition: Terms of Service

KTA Private Tuition offers two payment methods to pay for tutoring fees:

  • Pay as you go – payment for tutoring services is processed six days prior to the usual scheduled session.

  • Pre-paid term package – a package of 10 sessions purchased upfront. 

If you are enrolled in Individual Learning and pay-as-you-go:

If you cancel a scheduled tutoring session:

  • More than 2 days before the scheduled session, you can reschedule your session for a different time before your next session.

  • The same day as that session is scheduled, (excluding the hour before your session – see below), you may reschedule your session for another time prior to your next session to avoid losing the fee.

  • Less than 1 hour before the scheduled session or fail to appear for a session, you will not be entitled to reschedule that session, nor are you entitled to a credit.

Package Timeframe: If you are enrolled in 1:1 Online Tuition and have chosen to pay via a pre-paid term package, it's important to note that the package is designed to be completed within a specific timeframe. Each 10-session package has a 10-week timeframe, starting from the date of your first scheduled session within the package.

Cancellation Policy for 10-Session Packages: When it comes to cancelling a scheduled tutoring session within a 10-session package, please be aware of the following policies:

  1. More than One Hour Before the Scheduled Session:

    • If you cancel your session with more than one hour's notice before the scheduled time, you can reschedule your session for a different time before your next scheduled session. However, you are not entitled to receive a credit for the cancelled session.

  2. Less Than One Hour Before the Scheduled Session or Failure to Arrive:

    • If you cancel your session with less than one hour's notice before the scheduled time or fail to arrive for a session, you will not be entitled to reschedule that session, and you will also not be entitled to receive a credit for the missed session.

  3. Tutor Availability for Rescheduled Sessions:

    • If your child's current tutor is not available for a rescheduled session due to scheduling conflicts or unavailability, you will have the option to schedule the session with another KTA Tutor. We aim to provide flexibility to ensure that your child receives the tutoring they need within the 10-week timeframe.

Please be mindful of the 10-week timeframe when scheduling and managing your sessions within the 10-session package to maximise your learning experience.

Kingdom Thinkers Academy Online Classes: Terms of Service

  1. Acceptance of Terms: You agree to abide by the terms outlined in this document by accessing and utilising Kingdom Thinkers Academy's online classes. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our online services.

  2. User Responsibilities: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information and ensuring that it is used only by the registered individual. Any unauthorised use must be reported immediately.

  3. Course Access: Enrolled users are granted access to designated courses for the specified duration. Kingdom Thinkers Academy reserves the right to modify or terminate access to courses at its discretion.

  4. Code of Conduct: Users are expected to uphold a respectful environment. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disruptive behaviour is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate termination of access.

  5. Intellectual Property: All course materials, including but not limited to lectures, videos, and documents, are the intellectual property of Kingdom Thinkers Academy. Users may not reproduce, distribute, or publicly display any course content without explicit permission.

  6. Community Engagement: Users are encouraged to participate in online discussions respectfully. Kingdom Thinkers Academy reserves the right to moderate and remove any content that violates the code of conduct or disrupts the learning environment.

  7. Payment and Refunds: Payment details, including fees and refund policies, are outlined separately. By enrolling, users agree to comply with the payment terms specified during the registration process.

  8. Privacy: Kingdom Thinkers Academy is committed to protecting user privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details on how personal information is collected, used, and safeguarded.

  9. Termination of Services: Kingdom Thinkers Academy reserves the right to terminate services, suspend accounts, or deny access to courses for users who violate these terms or engage in inappropriate conduct.

  10. Changes to Terms: Kingdom Thinkers Academy may update these terms at its discretion. Users will be notified of any significant changes, and continued use of the online classes constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

By accessing Kingdom Thinkers Academy's online classes, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms of service.

If you have any questions about these terms of service, please contact us at kale@kingdomthinkersacademy.com