
Download Student Prospectus

A message from our founder.

Welcome to Kingdom Thinkers Academy!

I am Kale, the founder of Kingdom Thinkers Academy, and it brings me immense joy to connect with you. My journey has been deeply intertwined with a passion for instilling the significance of biblical worldview immersion in students' and parents' hearts and minds.

Having garnered extensive experience in one of Australia's top independent private schools and a background rooted in Christian educational leadership and the homeschooling world, I am thrilled to share my unique learning approach centred around our five themes that can be tailored for Christian schools, churches, and homeschooling families. The bedrock of my approach lies in incorporating the principles of transdisciplinary learning and project-based learning, aiming to foster a holistic understanding of the world through a biblical lens.

I am excited to be personally delivering our inaugural group classes at KTA! After a long wait, GROUP CLASSES are now available.

Our story.

About KTA’s Online School.

Welcome to KTA's Online School, where we offer diverse learning experiences for students across various grades and key learning areas. Our curriculum is structured around five thematic units, providing a comprehensive and immersive educational experience tailored to each student's unique learning context. Each term, we present a variety of subjects within these themes, accompanied by weekly activities that ensure a well-rounded and personalised learning journey.

Our unit plans are integral to the broader KTA school scope and sequence currently in development. At KTA, our curriculum extends beyond conventional subject teaching; we strive to inspire a lifelong love for learning. Our rich educational experience seamlessly integrates science, history, literature, mathematics, and the arts, fostering a biblical understanding of the world.

Biblical Worldview

Under our five themes, we’ve arranged and mapped the entire Australian Curriculum and outcomes into a biblical worldview, challenging students to think critically and independently about the significant issues of today. Yes, record-keeping and documentation for Australian homeschoolers and Christian Schools just became much more manageable.

33 Thousand-Foot Perspective

Our students will be taught how to ‘zoom out’ on the big issues they face today, think critically, and inquire into how God views them. Instead of getting caught up in the ‘comments section’, we will instil the importance of starting with God’s word on every issue.

Trandisciplinary and Project-Based Approach

Our unique framework provides the foundation for seamlessly weaving subjects together, helping your child view the world in an interconnected way.

...deep learning occurs when students understand the ‘big picture’ behind their learning.
— Kale Kneale

Overview of Curriculum.

Our curriculum is designed around five thematic units, offering a holistic and immersive educational experience customised to suit each student's individual learning context. Each term, we introduce a diverse range of subjects within these themes, complemented by weekly activities that ensure a comprehensive and personalised learning experience. These themes are flexible and can be explored in any order as a class, allowing for a dynamic and adaptable approach to learning. Kingdom Thinkers Academy not only meets the standards set by your state curriculum but also surpasses them, creating a vibrant and stimulating learning atmosphere that inspires students to inquire, challenge, and cultivate a deeper comprehension of subjects aligned with our distinctive themes.

English - Literacy

Literacy involves the skills students need for using language in different situations. The Literacy general capability has three main elements: Speaking and listening, Reading and viewing, and Writing. These aspects focus on developing effective communication, critical reading, and expressive writing skills to make students proficient communicators across various contexts.

Maths - Numeracy

Numeracy includes the skills and understanding students need to use math in different situations. The Numeracy general capability is divided into three parts: Number sense and algebra, Measurement and geometry, and Statistics and probability. This framework helps students build a strong foundation in math, problem-solving, and applying mathematical concepts in real-life situations.


Kingdom Thinkers Academy adopts an inquiry-focused approach, placing students at the forefront of their learning journey. Through what we term the '33 thousand foot perspective,' our program encourages exploration and discovery of issues from a broad and holistic viewpoint. This methodology underscores our dedication to anchoring discussions and investigations in the wisdom of God's Word. By starting from this foundational perspective, we instill in students a deep understanding of the relevance and significance of biblical principles in addressing contemporary challenges.

Through what we term the ‘33-thousand foot perspective,’ our program encourages exploration and discovery of issues from a broad and holistic viewpoint.
— Kale Kneale

Our Difference.


What is the cost?

Classes will commence in mid-2024 and run in 10-week blocks. They are structured so that students will be engaged for the duration of the 10-week Term.

It is $50 per week or $500 for the Term. This includes two weekly hour-long online group sessions and access to the learning material each week on our online community platform.

Are you a school?

No, we're not a traditional school. At KTA, we operate within the framework of homeschooling. Families are required to register for homeschooling, and we take care of the delivery and management of your child's education. Our focus is on providing learning experiences tailored to each student's needs under our five-themed framework, all within the comfort and flexibility of a homeschooling environment.

How is it different from iProject International?

iProject International tailors learning based on personal interests, while KTA classes design learning for small groups around broader topics within five themes.

Is there a way to combine Kingdom Thinkers Academy small group classes with iProject International?

Absolutely. If a KTA small group class is running and is suitable for your child's age and ability, feel free to join!

How is each class designed?

  • Two online group sessions per week are accessible via our online learning platform.

  • Weekly activity or challenge to work on between each session.

  • Access to a class-specific online community space to collaborate, ask questions, and share ideas.

  • A minimum of five students is required.

What is your educational ethos?

At KTA, our Christian faith is the bedrock of our educational ethos. It permeates every aspect of our learning journey, shaping the curriculum, teaching resources, and the bonds between our educators, students, and parents.

How are online sessions run?

Depending on your child's year group, Zoom and online sessions via Lessonspace are used.

Does the program align with state and national curricula?

Our courses align with state and national educational standards. We recognise the significance of documenting your child's educational progress. Therefore, we will offer a brief summary of each course and the curriculum outcomes that will be fulfilled in each term. Given that some students may be from different states and in need of varying documentation, we aim to seamlessly integrate this overview into your documentation. This will highlight the valuable skills and knowledge your child acquires.

Which subjects does each theme cover?

KTA carefully selects subject areas that align with the overall goals of the theme for the term. Our aim is to cover all essential learning areas throughout the school year, including Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Economics/Business, Civics/Citizenship), The Arts (Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts), Technologies (Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies), Health and Physical Education, Languages, and Biblical Studies.


Does my child need to do tests or exams?

We believe the best form of assessment is diagnostic and ongoing. Diagnostic tests direct the learning, while ongoing assessments monitor their progress through the material.

My child has ADHD and autism. Can you accommodate them?

Certainly! At KTA, we aim to accommodate all students, including those with ADHD and autism. We understand that each child is unique, and we encourage parents to provide us with information about their child's specific needs. We work closely with parents to determine whether our group classes are the right fit for their child, ensuring open communication and collaboration every step of the way. We are committed to creating a supportive learning environment where all students can thrive.

Is everything done online when working from our online platforms?

The instructions and task descriptions are online. You will also be required to post completed work into the class feed. However, we aim to include experiential activities and learning experiences where possible. Activity sheets can be downloaded and printed to ensure your child balances screen time. 

Do I have to schedule lessons like a school day, or is there flexibility?

Your child's class will create a schedule for 2-3 weekly online group sessions. Beyond these sessions, you have the freedom to plan your child's day according to their needs and your lifestyle.

When can I start with KTA? Can I join anytime??

You may enrol your child at any time during the year. We will assign them to an appropriate class based on age and ability. KTA follows the standard 4-term schooling cycle.

Do I need to buy additional books, resources or subscriptions?

Yes. Depending on your child’s class needs, we will advise on the best subscription options and books and include them in your invoice. They are usually active for one full year and individually range between $15 - $100.

Our Themes

  • An inquiry into the distinct nature of humans made in the image of God; there is only one race; humans’ unique and eternal relationship with God; spiritual and physical health; how we share many of His attributes are capable of knowing and glorifying Him; family relationships and communities; what it means to put off the old self with sinful practices and put on the new self who is indwelt with the Holy Spirit.

  • An inquiry into the history of government from a biblical perspective; the purpose of civil government; economic systems; our responsibility as believers to care for the poor and needy.

  • An inquiry into God’s world and its laws; the truth that God is upholding all things and promises to do so as long as the earth endures; the understanding of geology in light of the Flood, astronomy and biology from a biblical perspective.

  • An inquiry into the literal interpretation of the creation narrative in the book of Genesis; humans were created in their present form on the sixth day; creation occurred about 6,000 years ago by calculating the years provided in biblical genealogies.

  • An inquiry into the Tower of Babel; people groups; living conditions and homes; the migration of people groups after God confused their language; why civilization is indebted to Christianity for its freedoms and strong institutions.

Grade 4 Course

  • 10 Weeks

  • Transdisciplinary Theme Descriptor:

    An inquiry into God’s world and its laws; the truth that God is upholding all things and promises to do so as long as the earth endures; the understanding of geology in light of the Flood, astronomy in light of Genesis 1 and biology in light of God’s created kinds.

    Kingdom Thinker Big Picture:

    Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity.

    Kingdom Thinker Key Concepts:

    properties, interdependence

    Driving Question or Challenge:

    How is the Earth's surface shaped and formed?

    Real-world Context:

    In this project, students will explore the processes that shape the Earth's surface, both naturally and as a result of human activity. They will investigate the impact of natural processes, such as the Flood as described in the Book of Genesis, erosion, and weathering, as well as the effects of modern-day human actions, such as construction and mining. Students will analyze and understand the importance of the Earth's surface and its changes in relation to real-world issues.

    In-depth Inquiry:

    Students will engage in in-depth inquiry as they investigate the Earth's surface and the factors that contribute to its formation and changes. They will ask questions, conduct research, explore multiple perspectives, and analyze data to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. Students will explore different types of landforms and their characteristics, examine the role of natural resources in shaping the Earth's surface, and consider the impact of human activities on the environment.

    Student Voice and Choice:

    Throughout the project, students will have the freedom to make decisions about their learning and project direction. They will have the opportunity to choose their research topics, select the format of their final project, and decide how they will present their findings. This student voice and choice will empower students to take ownership of their learning and pursue areas that interest them the most.


    Reflection will be an integral part of the project, as students will regularly reflect on their learning process, discoveries, and growth. They will have opportunities to share their reflections with peers, discuss their findings, and identify areas for further exploration. Reflection will help students deepen their understanding and make connections between their learning and real-world applications.

    Critique and Revision:

    A culture of critique and revision will be fostered throughout the project. Students will engage in peer feedback sessions, where they will provide constructive criticism to their classmates and receive feedback on their own work. They will use this feedback to refine their ideas, improve their projects, and enhance their understanding of the Earth's surface and its changes.

    Public Product:

    As the culmination of their learning, students will produce a tangible product that they can share with a broader audience. This could be a report, presentation, model, or any other creative representation of their understanding. By sharing their work with others, students will develop effective communication skills and gain a sense of pride in their accomplishments.


    Collaboration will be encouraged throughout the project, as students will have opportunities to work together, leveraging their collective skills, insights, and strengths. They will collaborate on research, share resources, and support each other in developing their projects. Collaboration will not only enhance their understanding but also foster teamwork and cooperation skills.

    Teacher Facilitation:

    In this project, the teacher will serve as a facilitator rather than being the primary source of information. The teacher will guide, mentor, and scaffold students' experiences, providing resources, posing thought-provoking questions, and offering support as needed. The teacher will encourage student autonomy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, allowing students to take ownership of their learning.

    Transdisciplinary Connection:

    This project will bridge multiple subject areas, mimicking the interconnected nature of the real world. Students will explore scientific concepts related to the Earth's surface changes, such as erosion, weathering, and human impact. They will apply mathematical skills when analyzing data and creating models. Additionally, students will develop their English writing skills as they communicate their findings and insights through informative texts.


    Formative and summative assessments will be used to gauge student understanding and the development of skills. Various assessment methods, such as rubrics, presentations, and peer reviews, will be incorporated to provide a holistic view of student learning. The goal of assessment is to create meaningful and authentic learning experiences that allow students to apply their knowledge in practical and innovative ways.

Grade 5 Course

  • 10 Weeks

  • Transdisciplinary Theme Descriptor:

    An inquiry into God’s world and its laws; the truth that God is upholding all things and promises to do so as long as the earth endures; the understanding of geology in light of the Flood, astronomy in light of Genesis 1 and biology in light of God’s created kinds.

    Kingdom Thinker Big Picture:

    The heavens declare God's glory, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands - Psalm 19: 1

    Kingdom Thinker Key Concepts:

    Ingenuity, technological advances, forms of energy

    The Solar System - Create a Space Display

    Driving Question or Challenge:

    How can we create a space display that showcases the characteristics of planets, moons, stars, and the solar system?

    Real-world Context:

    The project will connect to real-world issues by inviting students to explore current developments in astronomy, space, and planetary science. Students will have the opportunity to learn about technological advances and the ingenuity required to study and understand the solar system. This project will also encourage students to reflect on the beauty of the universe and its connection to their own existence.

    In-depth Inquiry:

    The project will encourage students to dive deep into the content by asking questions, conducting research, and exploring multiple perspectives. Students will investigate the characteristics of planets, moons, stars, and the solar system. They will explore concepts such as gravity, orbits, and the composition of celestial bodies. Students will also explore current developments in astronomy and space science, such as recent discoveries or advancements in space exploration.

    Student Voice and Choice:

    Students will have the freedom to make decisions about the direction of their project and how they'll present their findings. They will have the opportunity to choose specific planets, moons, or stars to focus on in their space display. They can decide on the format of their display, whether it's a poster, a 3D model, or a digital presentation. This choice will allow students to showcase their individual interests and creativity.


    Throughout the project, students will regularly reflect on their learning process, what they're discovering, and how they're growing. They will have opportunities to journal or discuss their thoughts and insights. Reflection will help students develop a deeper understanding of the content and their own learning journey.

    Critique and Revision:

    The project will foster a culture where students give and receive feedback. They will have opportunities to critique each other's work, providing constructive suggestions for improvement. Students will then use this feedback to revise and refine their space displays, ensuring continuous improvement and growth.

    Public Product:

    Students will produce a tangible product, such as a report, presentation, model, or artwork, that they can share with a broader audience. They will have the opportunity to exhibit their space displays in a classroom showcase or present them to other students, parents, or the wider school community. This public sharing of their work will enhance their sense of achievement and purpose.


    Throughout the project, students will have opportunities to collaborate with their peers, pooling their collective skills, insights, and strengths. They can work in small groups or as a whole class to brainstorm ideas, conduct research, and support each other in the creation of their space displays. Collaboration will cultivate teamwork and communication skills.

    Teacher Facilitation:

    The teacher will assume the role of a facilitator rather than being the primary source of information. The teacher will guide, mentor, and scaffold students' experiences by providing resources, facilitating discussions, and encouraging critical thinking. The teacher will support students in setting goals, managing their time, and overcoming challenges, while also fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment.

    Transdisciplinary Connection:

    This project will bridge multiple subject areas, mimicking the interconnected nature of the real world. It will integrate English through researching and presenting information, Maths through calculations related to orbits and distances, Science through studying the characteristics of celestial bodies, and Biblical Studies through exploring the awe-inspiring nature of creation and its connection to God's glory.


    The project will use both formative and summative assessments to gauge student understanding and the skills they've developed. Formative assessments may include ongoing observation, individual reflections, peer feedback, and group discussions. Summative assessments may include the final space display, oral presentations, or written reports. Various assessment methods like rubrics, presentations, or peer reviews will be utilized to provide students with meaningful feedback and opportunities for growth.

Grade 6 Course

  • 10 Weeks

  • Transdisciplinary Theme Descriptor:

    An inquiry into God’s world and its laws; the truth that God is upholding all things and promises to do so as long as the earth endures; the understanding of geology in light of the Flood, astronomy in light of Genesis 1 and biology in light of God’s created kinds.

    Kingdom Thinker Big Picture:

    God’s Word tells us that seismological events will increase upon Jesus’ return.

    Kingdom Thinker Key Concepts:

    Sin, corruption, redemption

    Natural Disasters - Causes and Consequences

    Driving Question or Challenge:

    How can we understand the causes and consequences of natural disasters through the lens of a chosen disaster in the Bible or a significant seismological event in history?

    Real-world Context:

    Students will explore the real-world impact of natural disasters and their causes and consequences. They will analyze a chosen disaster in the Bible or a seismological event in history, considering how these events shaped communities and influenced human history. By examining these events, students will gain a deeper understanding of the geological forces at play and the effect they have on human lives.

    In-depth Inquiry:

    Students will engage in in-depth research to understand the causes and consequences of their chosen natural disaster. They will explore the scientific principles behind these events and how they impact the environment, infrastructures, and human populations. Students will ask questions, conduct research, collect and analyze data, and critically evaluate their findings to develop a comprehensive understanding of the chosen natural disaster.

    Student Voice and Choice:

    Students will have the freedom to choose their natural disaster for investigation, allowing them to explore areas that interest them personally. They will also have the choice of presentation format, such as written narratives, multimedia presentations, or models, enabling them to showcase their findings and understanding in a way that best suits their strengths.


    Throughout the project, students will regularly reflect on their learning process, their evolving understanding of natural disasters, and their growth as researchers and communicators. Reflection prompts and activities will encourage students to think metacognitively, consider different perspectives, and identify areas for further investigation or improvement.

    Critique and Revision:

    Students will actively engage in a culture of feedback, providing constructive criticism to their peers and receiving feedback from their classmates and the teacher. This feedback will be utilized to revise and improve their work, promoting a cycle of continuous growth and refinement.

    Public Product:

    Students will produce a tangible and shareable product, such as a written narrative, a multimedia presentation, or a model, which will allow them to communicate their findings and understanding to a broader audience. This public product can be showcased within the school community or shared digitally with a wider audience.


    Students will have opportunities to collaborate with their peers, pooling their collective skills, insights, and strengths. They will engage in group discussions, collaborative research, and peer editing processes. Collaborative tasks will develop their communication and teamwork skills, as they learn to value diverse perspectives and engage in effective collaboration.

    Teacher Facilitation:

    The teacher will serve as a facilitator, guiding and supporting students throughout their project. They will provide necessary resources, research guidance, and technical support. The teacher will also scaffold students' experiences, providing feedback and encouragement, while promoting student agency and ownership of their learning.

    Transdisciplinary Connection:

    This project will bridge multiple subject areas, integrating science, geography, history, literacy, and technology. Students will analyze scientific principles, investigate historical and geographical context, apply literacy skills to research and communicate their findings, and leverage technology to enhance their understanding and presentation.


    Assessment in this project will be both formative and summative, focusing on student understanding of the causes and consequences of natural disasters, as well as the skills they've developed throughout the project. Formative assessments may include research notes, data collection, and drafts of their narratives or presentations. Summative assessments may include final written narratives, multimedia presentations, or models. Rubrics will be used to assess the quality of their work, their research skills, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.

Special Offer


Special Offer 〰️

Referral Initiative

How it works:

Invite another family to join the Kingdom Thinkers Academy community. If they enrol their child, you and the new enrollee will receive a generous discount on the course fees for the upcoming term! It's a win-win situation, where not only do you get to extend the Kingdom Thinkers family, but you also enjoy exclusive benefits.

For each referral, the referred student receives a 10% discount on the course fees.

For You: As the referrer, you can earn a progressive discount of 10% for each successfully enrolled referral, potentially accumulating up to a 50% discount on your child's course fees for the term.

Imagine your impact on the Kingdom Thinkers community while enjoying significant savings! We believe that learning is a shared experience, and what better way to celebrate it than by spreading joy to other families? Our Referral Initiative is not just about discounts; it's a testament to the sense of community that defines Kingdom Thinkers Academy.

*Please note the following terms and conditions associated with the Kingdom Thinkers Academy Referral Initiative:

  • The Referral Initiative applies to new enrollments only and is not applicable to re-enrollments or returning students.

  • Discounts are applicable only for the upcoming term's course fees and cannot be carried forward to subsequent terms.

  • To qualify for the referral discount, the referred family must successfully enrol their child at Kingdom Thinkers Academy.

  • The maximum discount for an individual referrer is 50%, and this applies to their own child's course fees for the term.

  • The cumulative discount escalates for every fifth successful referral, reaching a maximum of 50% for five or more referrals.

  • Kingdom Thinkers Academy reserves the right to modify or terminate the Referral Program at any time, with or without notice.